Mark McCurdy

Mark was born in New Guinea to missionary parents and spent his childhood on the mission field. New Guinea, a rugged island, relied heavily on airplanes for transportation. During his youth, Mark had the opportunity to travel in many fascinating vintage airplanes. Moreover, Mark's father, a pilot, continually inspired his four sons with a love for flying.

Upon his family's return to the USA, Mark's experiences with mission aircraft deeply inspired him. This led him to undertake extensive training to earn both airplane and mechanic licenses with the aspiration to serve as a missionary pilot.

With the support of his wife, Linda, Mark was blessed to serve in this role for 22 years in the backcountry of Mexico. Desert Springs, where they were members before relocating to Mexico, was their sending church. While on the mission field, the couple raised three children and established a well-known presence in numerous missionary circles.

After many fruitful years in the field, Mark and Linda returned home. Mark later completed PCA leadership training and was ordained as a deacon in 2014. He takes great joy in employing his diaconal gifts in service to the church. Although now retired from full-time mission work, Mark and Linda continue to be engaged and active contributors to church life.